Federally Registered Australian Political Parties UPDATED
As at 7th Dec 2024, this list has come from the AEC website and I have added in links to all the various websites for the parties. The only exception is the Centre Alliance party as I could find no valid website for them.
Animal Justice Party - https://www.animaljusticeparty.org/
Australian Christians - https://australianchristians.org.au/
Australian Citizens Party - https://citizensparty.org.au/
Australian Democrats - https://www.democrats.org.au/
Australian Federation Party - https://ausfedparty.com.au/
Australian Greens - https://greens.org.au/
- Queensland Greens - https://greens.org.au/qld
- The Australian Greens - Victoria - https://greens.org.au/vic
- The Greens (WA) Inc - https://greens.org.au/wa
- The Greens NSW - https://greens.org.au/nsw
Australian Labor Party (ALP) - https://www.alp.org.au/
- Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch) - https://www.actlabor.org.au/
- Australian Labor Party (N.S.W. Branch) - https://www.nswlabor.org.au/
- Australian Labor Party (Northern Territory) Branch - https://territorylabor.com.au/
- Australian Labor Party (South Australian Branch) - https://sa.alp.org.au/
- Australian Labor Party (State of Queensland) - https://queenslandlabor.org/
- Australian Labor Party (Tasmanian Branch) - https://taslabor.org.au/
- Australian Labor Party (Victorian Branch) - https://viclabor.com.au/
- Australian Labor Party (Western Australian Branch) -
Centre Alliance - https://centrealliance.org.au/
Country Liberal Party (NT) - https://www.clp.org.au/
Dai Le & Frank Carbone Network - https://daile.com.au/
David Pocock - https://www.davidpocock.com.au/
Family First Party Australia - https://www.familyfirstparty.org.au/
FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency - https://www.fusionparty.org.au/
Indigenous - Aboriginal Party of Australia - https://www.indigenouspartyofaustralia.com/
Jacqui Lambie Network - https://lambienetwork.com.au/
Katter's Australian Party (KAP) - https://kap.org.au/
Kim for Canberra - https://www.kimrubenstein.com.au/
Legalise Cannabis Australia - https://www.legalisecannabis.org.au/
Liberal Party of Australia - https://www.liberal.org.au/
- Liberal National Party of Queensland - https://www.lnp.org.au/our-team/
- Liberal Party (W.A. Division) Inc - https://www.waliberal.org.au/
- Liberal Party of Australia - ACT Division - https://www.canberraliberals.org.au/
- Liberal Party of Australia - Tasmanian Division - https://tas.liberal.org.au/
- Liberal Party of Australia (S.A. Division) - https://saliberal.org.au/
- Liberal Party of Australia (Victorian Division) - https://vic.liberal.org.au/
- Liberal Party of Australia, NSW Division -
Libertarian Party - https://www.libertarians.org.au/
National Party of Australia - https://nationals.org.au/
- National Party of Australia - N.S.W. - https://www.nswnationals.org.au/
- National Party of Australia - Victoria - https://vic.nationals.org.au/
- National Party of Australia (S.A.) Inc. - https://www.sanationals.org.au/
- National Party of Australia (WA) Inc - https://www.nationalswa.com/
Pauline Hanson's One Nation - https://www.onenation.org.au/
Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party - https://www.shootersfishersandfarmers.org.au/
Socialist Alliance - https://socialist-alliance.org/
Sustainable Australia Party - Universal Basic Income - https://www.sustainableaustralia.org.au/
The Great Australian Party - https://www.greataustralianparty.com.au/
Victorian Socialists - https://victoriansocialists.org.au/
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